Chinese Friendship Association of Portland

The Chinese Friendship Association of Portland is a non-profit and community-based organization established in 1993, dedicated to

  1. to foster greater cultural understanding among Oregonians.
  2. to provide educational opportunities to the public to learn about the immigrant story and their traditions and customs.
  3. to build a bridge of cultural awareness and understanding, ethnic tolerance, and strive for a more harmonious existence.
  4. and to assist recent Chinese immigrants in Oregon and Vancouver, Washington to be productive and committed members of their communities.
  5. to provide Civic leadership training for youth

In 2020, we have hosted the largest cultural event in Keller Auditorium for Lunar New Year celebration, which included performances by professional performing artists, local Asian groups and performers from other states, art and craft as well as photo contest exhibition.  During the time fighting against COVID-19, we started very early to do fund raising to provide supplies to Hospitals in China. Since March, 2020, we have launched a new fundraising campaign to deliver much needed supplies to hospitals in US, as well as our first responders such as police, fire department, and the departments who administrates homeless shelters.  In addition, we ordered freshly made food from restaurants to deliver to various shelters and veteran’s center.  Through TV station, radio, newspaper, we have promoted Chinese American’s value and contribution in US which has increased Chinese American’s impact in our society.

波特兰中国联谊会是一个非牟利性组织。自1993年成立20多年来,一直致力于服务大波特兰华人社区的利益和需求,在丰富当地华人生活的同时, 也为弘扬中国文化精神,为东西方文化沟通起到了积极的作用。

在文艺活动方面, 波特兰联谊会连续二十几年主办当地最有影响力的春节晚会, 特别是在2020年于俄勒冈最大剧院Keller Auditorium举办的集亚裔表演团体, 专业演员及本地文化团体精彩表演, 手工艺及书法演示为一体的大型文化活动。我们连续9年参加组织盛大的波特兰华人玫瑰节花车巡游。与这些大型文艺汇演相比,波特兰联谊会的夏日野餐会,节日庆典卡拉OK歌会等文艺活动更具有轻松的娱乐氛围,也同样受到广大华人朋友喜爱。


在2020年面临全球疫情时, 我们团结近30个华裔组织及上百个人, 共同筹款, 从2020年1月起, 我们用筹款购买救灾物资援助湖北及中国多个省市抗疫, 三月至今, 我们又多次筹款从中国购买口罩等救灾物资, 捐献给本地医院包括为低收入人员提供服务的医院,警局, 消防局及管理流浪人员的县政府部门, 老人院, 老兵园, 并通过媒体包括电视台, 广播电台, 报刊讲述华人近200年在美国的贡献历史, 为提升华裔的形象及影响力做出了贡献!


CFAP History

Chinese professionals working in downtown Portland gathered for various social activities.  In 1992, they realized that more and more Chinese professionals had moved into the Portland metropolitan area but there was no Chinese organization to provide them with local information and a forum to address their concerns and needs, especially those who had just moved to Portland, Oregon.  After several informal discussions and meetings, they finally decided to plan a few activities to test whether their objectives were of use.

They informally elected Grant Bow of U.S. Bank as the leader of the group.  The initial success of the group’s activities, such as a real estate seminar, a tax return seminar, an immigration seminar and a Chinese New Year’s gathering, convinced the group that there was a real need for their organization.  They entrusted Rongwei Cai of Tonkon Torp to incorporate the CFAP as a non-profit organization with the State of Oregon on June 11, 1993.

The first Board of Directors of the CFAP consisted of the following people: Grant Bow of U.S. Bank, Rongwei Cai of Tonkon Torp, Fu Li of PSU, Jinke Li of PSU, James Mei of Black Helterline, May Daily of Mutual of New York and David Yu of Schmitt Forge. They represented many professions, such as professors, engineers, bankers, insurance brokers, and lawyers.  These individuals volunteered their time to organize various activities to achieve CFAP’s objective of “networking, service and the exchange of information.”Based on the needs of its members, the CFAP has conducted a wide range of activities to provide members with opportunities to be acquainted with each other and exchange information.  These activities include seminars on financial investment, insurance, purchasing a house, preparing a tax return, summer picnics, dances/parties, Chinese movies, Chinese New Year’s Celebrations, and receptions for delegations from China.

Over the years, the number of regular members of the CFAP has grown steadily.  Computer engineers or specialists were among the fastest growing groups.  In 1997, the Board decided to increase the number of Board members representing the high-tech industry in Oregon.  Thus, Mr. Shaofeng Yu of Intel, Gang Li of Intel, Genghong Ruan of Analogy, Inc., Yueheng Xue of Intel, Songyu He of ABC Technologies, Inc., as well as Mr. Jon Duan of Intel were elected to the Board to serve CFAP.  Today, the total number of members on the CFAP Mailing Directory is about 600.  The Board of Directors serve on a volunteer basis and have changed over the years.

The leadership of several individuals made it possible for the CFAP to grow and succeed.  The past presidents of the CFAP deserve full recognition.  They are: Grant Bow, James Mei, Rongwei Cai, David Yu, Shaofeng Yu, Ken Ruan,  Liying Zheng, Changhua Wang, and Yuzhong Lin, Zifen Qian, Hardy Li, Victoria Yu, Lin Luo, Iris Zhao, Mike Zhang, John Lin and Weiqiang Yang, Shibin Li.

With tremendous support from its members and efforts by its Board Members, CFAP continues to prosper in the Portland area.  We warmly invite you to participate in our organized events and volunteer your time for more interesting and colorful activities to enrich our life in this community.  CFAP welcomes you to join and believes that you can make a difference!



1992年在波特兰市中心工作的中国专业人士聚集在一起进行各种社交活,他们意识到越来越多的中国专业人员进入了波特兰大都市区,但没有一个中国组织为他们提供当地的信息和论坛来解决他们的关切和需求,尤其是那些刚搬到俄勒冈州波特兰的人。 经过几次非正式的讨论和会议,他们决定组织和策划一些活动来丰富大家都生活。

他们非正式地选举了美国银行的Grant Bow作为该组织的领导人。 小组的活动,如房地产研讨会,退税研讨会,移民研讨会和中国新年聚会的初期成功说服了小组,他们的组织确实需要。 1993年6月11日,他们委托Tonkon Torp的Cai Rongwei Cai将这个CFAP作为一个非营利组织纳入俄勒冈州。

CFAP第一届董事会成员包括:美国的Grant Bow,Tonkon Torp的Rongwei Cai,PSU的Fu Li,PSU的Jinke Li,梅明瑾,纽约的Mutual Daily,史密特福奇的大卫。他们代表了许多职业,如教授,工程师,银行家,保险经纪人和律师。 这些人自愿组织各种活动,以实现CFAP“网络化,服务化,信息化”的目标。根据会员的需求,CFAP开展了广泛的活动,为会员提供了认识的机会互相交换信息。 这些活动包括金融投资,保险,购房,准备纳税申报,夏季野餐,舞会,中国电影,中国新年庆祝活动和中国代表团的招待会。

多年来,CFAP的正式成员数量稳步增长。 计算机工程师或专家是增长最快的群体之一。 1997年,董事会决定增加代表俄勒冈州高科技产业的董事会成员。 因此,英特尔的邵绍宇先生,英特尔的李刚,比喻公司的耿红红,英特尔公司的薛岳衡,ABC技术公司的宋玉和,以及英特尔的Jon Jon先生被选入董事会为CFAP服务。 今天,CFAP邮件目录上的成员总数约为600人。 董事会志愿服务,多年来一直在变化。

几个人的领导使CFAP能够成长和成功。 CFAP的前任主席值得充分肯定。 他们是:Grant Bow,James Mei,蔡荣伟,余大丰,余少丰,阮阮, 郑立影,王昌华,林玉忠,钱自奋,黎观成,余蕾,罗琳,赵焱明,张凯,林忠,杨维强和李世斌。

在成员的大力支持和董事会成员的努力下,CFAP继续在波特兰地区繁荣昌盛。 我们热烈邀请您参加我们有组织的活动,并自愿参加更多有趣和丰富多彩的活动,丰富我们在这个社区的生活。 CFAP欢迎您的加入,并相信您可以有所作为!

Past Presidents

 Name Year 
Li, Shibin 2017-2019
Yang, WeiQiang 2015-2017
Lin, John 2013-2015
Zhang, Mike 2011-2013
Zhao, Iris 2009-2011
Lou, Lin 2008-2009
Yu, Victory 2007 -2008
Li, Hardy 2006-2007
Qian, ZiFen 2005-2006
Wang, Jian 2004-2005
Lin, Jerry 2003-2004
Wang, Changhua 2002-2003
Zheng, Liying 2000-2002
Ran Genghong 1998-2000
Yu, Shaofeng 1997-1998
Mei, Jim 1996-1997
Yu, David 1995-1996
Cai, Rongwei 1994-1995
Bo, Xiaoguan 1993-1994