喷泉资料图(当天不会喷水) 大本营位置
俄勒冈州及华盛顿州大波特兰都市圈约20个亚裔组织和团体联合宣布:4月6日星期六下午2点,在波特兰河边公园(Tom McCall Waterfront Park)举行大型集会,就最近危及华人同胞的袭击事件表达最强烈抗议,展示华人团结力量,要求政府官员改善治安!
- 时间:2024年4月6日星期六下午2点至5点
- 地点:波特兰河边公园(Tom McCall Waterfront Park)的喷泉(Salmon Street Springs)处,可以使用1020 SW Naito Pkwy, Portland, OR 97204导航找到大本营!

喷泉资料图(当天不会喷水) 大本营位置
【关于停车,99W公路路边是可以付费停车的,也可以停车在波特兰世界贸易中心(World Trade Center Portland,121 SW Salmon St, Portland, OR 97204)】
- 下午2点15分,集会开始,波特兰警察局官员、政府官员、社区领袖、公开讨论提问、 签联名信!
- 之后,集会参加者可以和朋友们结伴游览河边公园(Tom McCall Waterfront Park),或参与周六农贸市场。
- 下午5点,活动结束,所有人要在这个时间前安安全全地回家。
大型集会选择在河边公园(Tom McCall Waterfront Park)举办,是因为这里最近成为暴力袭击的频发地区。
千里之行始于足下,合抱之木生于豪末,九层之台起于累 土!我们不是喊一喊,站一站,拍个照片就算了,为了我们的家人和下一代有个安全的生活环境,我们还有很多事要做。但,此时此刻,不要沉默,站出来!
- 时间:2024年4月6日星期六下午2点至5点
- 地点:波特兰河边公园(Tom McCall Waterfront Park)喷泉(Salmon Street Springs),可以使用1020 SW Naito Pkwy, Portland, OR 97204导航找到大本营!
波特兰中国联谊会(Chinese Friendship Association of Portland)
砵仑萃胜工商会(Suey Sing Chamber of Labor and Commerce)
砵仑龙冈亲义公所(Lung Kong Tin Yee Association of Portland);
协胜公会 (Hip Sing Assciaition)
美华俄勒冈州分会 (American Chinese United association)
俄勒冈州华人联合会 (United Chinese Association of Oregon)
深圳商会 (Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce)
俄勒冈州福建工商会 (Oregon Fujian Chamber of Commerce Inc)
砵仑余风彩堂 (Yee Fung Toy Family Associaton of Portland)
海宴公所 (Hoy yin Association)
至孝笃亲(Gee How Oak Tin Association);
秉公堂 (Bing Kong Association)
合胜堂(Hop Sing Association)
Vietnamese Community of Oregon
温哥华华人协会 (Vancouver Chinese Association)
Colorful Myanmar
遡源堂(Soo Yuen Benevolent Association)
- Oregon Rise Above Hate
Lan Su Chinese Garden
On April 6, 2024, at 2 p.m., 24 organizations from the Asian American community will organize a peaceful gathering at Tom McCall Waterfront Park to demonstrate their collective strength and unity. Elected officials will attend the event.
Asian Americans are facing increasingly dire safety conditions in the greater Portland area and throughout Oregon. Recently, a 73-year-old Asian man was brutally attacked and seriously injured while fishing near Waterfront Park. Shockingly, the perpetrator remains at large. Are we to remain silent in the face of such heinous acts, allowing them to further erode the fabric of our society, for which we work diligently and pay taxes? Or shall we rise up against these criminals, making it unequivocally clear to all potential wrongdoers that we refuse to be intimidated and they will pay dearly for their crimes?
This is not a protest; rather, it is an opportunity for our community to come together in this beautiful park. Most importantly, it is a declaration that we are stakeholders in this city, and our safety demands the utmost attention and respect. We extend an invitation for you to join us on April 6 for this event. Your presence will significantly impact potential wrongdoers, reaffirming that Asian Americans are not easy targets and that we too are stakeholders in this splendid city.
Chinese Friendship Association of Portland
Suey Sing Chamber of Labor and Commerce
Lung Kong Tin Yee Association of Portland
Hip Sing Association
American Chinese United association
United Chinese Association of Oregon
Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce
Oregon Fujian Chamber of Commerce Inc
Yee Fung Toy Family Association of Portland
Hoy Yin Association
Gee How Oak Tin Association
Bing Kong Association
Hop Sing Association
Vietnamese Community of Oregon
Vancouver Chinese Association
Colorful Myanmar
Chinese Woman Friendship Association of Portland
Portland Cantonese Music Club
Soo Yuen Benevolent Association
Portland Cantonese Opera Center
Oregon Rise Above Hate
Lan Su Chinese Garden