2024年3月16日星期六,波特兰中国联谊会社区健康项目组应邀参加了由东 Multnomah 县卫生局主办,TriMet , Marketplace Team 等协办的春季健康展会。
展会在Rockwood 中心举办,州县区相关卫生及其他政府部门包括多个社区组织设置了展桌。牙医流动诊所大巴为社区人士免费提供大型牙医服务,还有测试血糖,血压,接种疫苗等服务。
我们的展桌以与OHSU 合作的戒烟知识问答题为基础,向社区大众宣传我们目前正在进行的戒烟及医保等项目,吸引了众多来人。同时我们也利用这个机会与新老合作伙伴加深沟通,以利于今后将更多的资源带给华人社区!
我们的舞龙舞狮队将应邀参加开场表演,同时我们还将举办以” 想象一个没有烟草的俄勒冈州”为主题的青少年绘画及诗歌竞赛,比赛规则会尽快出台。
On 3/16/24, Chinese Friendship Association of Portland community health program team was invited to participate in the Spring Health Fair hosted by the East County Community Health, sponsored by TriMet, Marketplace Team, etc.
The health fair was held at Rockwood Center with tables representing health and government departments from the state, county and district, including a number of community organizations. The dental mobile clinic bus provides free large-scale dental services for the community, as well as blood sugar, blood pressure, vaccination and other services.
Based on the quiz questions on tobacco prevention in collaboration with OHSU, we introduced our current community health programs such as tobacco prevention and marketplace insurance to the community, which attracted many visitors and deepened connection with our new and existing partners, so as to bring more resources to our community in the future!
We are currently in discussions with several organizations to host the Health Fair for World No Tobacco Day event on June 1. This will be the second year that we have partnered with several organizations to host this large-scale event.
Our dragon and lion dance team will be invited to participate in the opening program. We will host a statewide youth art and poetry contest on the topic of “Imagine an Oregon without tobacco” . The guidelines of the competition will be in place as soon as possible.
There are many activities and expert lectures details are still in the planning process. We hope to work together to create a healthy and beautiful community through this and subsequent series of activities.