The curriculum design of our summer camp is to combine language learning and cultural knowledge. Language is a carrier of culture and is closely related to culture. Adhering to this philosophy, our summer camp integrates cultural learning into every activity and sets up a platform for students to “understand”, “experience” and “practice” the Chinese culture.
Our summer camp created a fun, interesting and relaxing learning environment for students. For children, play is life, life is play, and they learn with playing. Game teaching activities can satisfy their curiosity, allowing children to learn Chinese along with singing, dancing, listening, speaking, drawing, playing, and acting. Children learn by doing, doing in learning, and truly feel the joy of learning. “Weary to learn” is changed to “eager to learn”, “like to learn”, “love to learn”, and “happy to learn”. After four weeks, the students’ Chinese has improved a lot. The most gratifying thing is that the summer camp has changed the children’s attitude towards Chinese learning, from the previous “feeling frustrated with Chinese characters” to the current “self-learning”.
我们夏令营的课程设置的宗旨是:把语言学习和文化知识有机的结合起来。语言是文化的 载体,是与文化密切相关的。秉承这一理念,我们的夏令营把文化学习融入到每一项活动 中,给孩子们搭设一个平台,使孩子们在不知不觉中“体验”、“领悟”、“实践”中国 文化。我们的夏令营为学生创设了一个快乐的、有趣的、轻松的学习环境。对孩子来说,游戏就是生活,生活就是游戏,在生活和游戏中学习。游戏教学活动能满足他们的好奇心,让孩子们在唱唱、跳跳、听听、说说、画画、玩玩、演演中学会中文。孩子们学中做,做中学,真正感受到了学习的乐趣,变“厌学” 为 “好学”、“喜学”、“爱学”、“乐学”。经过四周的学习,学生们的中文都有了很大的进步。最令人欣慰的是,夏令营使孩子们改变了对中文学习的态度,从以前的“望字兴叹”到现在的“自主学习”。